Neuroradiología vascular


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Malformazioni artero-venose cerebrali: neuroradiologia terapeutica
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M. Leonardi, C. Barbara, L. Simonetti, R. Giardino, N. Nicoli Aldini, M. Fini, L. Martini, L. Masetti, M. Joechler, F. Roncaroli
Glubran 2: A New Acrylic Glue for Neuroradiological Endovascular Use – Experimental Study on Animals
Interventional Neuroradiology 8: 245-250, 2002
M. Leonardi, P. Cenni, L. Simonetti, A. Bozzano, A. Romano, M. Bonamini, L.M. Fantozzi, G. Fini
Glubran 2: a new acrylic glue for neuroradiological endovascular use a complementary histological study
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L. Raffi, L. Simonetti, P. Cenni, S. Bandiera, A. Gasbarrini, S. Boriani, M. Leonardi
Presurgical Embolization of Spinal Tumours Using Glubran 2 Acrylic Glue
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L’embolizzazione per via arteriosa e venosa delle fistole artero-venose intracraniche
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L. Simonetti, L. Raffi, P. Cenni, A. Andreoli, F.Calducci, M. Leopardi
Presurgical embolization of itracranial extra-axial tumors using Glubran 2: our experience in 14 patients
Rivista di Neuroradiologia 2004; 17: 645-658
L.Raffi, L. Simonetti, P.Cenni, M.Leonardi
Use of Glubran 2 acrylic glue in interventional neuroradiology
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Transcranial puncture through the parietal and mastoidforamina for the treatment of dural fistulas – Report of four cases
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J.Klisch, C. Eger, V. Sychra, C.Strasilla, S.Basche, J.Weber
Stent-Assisted Coil Embolization of Posterior Circulation Aneurysms Using Solitaire Ab: Preliminary Experience
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Coexistence of a single cerebral arteriovenous malformation and spinal arteriovenous malformation
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Spontaneous Intracerebral and Intraventricular Hemorrhage. Hemostasis by transarterial glue embolization
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Therapeutic management of intracranial dural arteriovenous shunts with leptomeningeal venous drainage: report of 53 consecutive patients with emphasis on transarterial embolization with acrylic glue
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Amr Abdel Kerim, M.D., Fabrice Bonneville, M.D., Ph.D., Betty Jean, M.D., Philipp e Cornu, M.D., Lise LeJean, M.D., and Jacques Chiras, M.D.
Balloon-assisted embolization of skull base meningioma with liquid embolic agent. Technical note
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Transvenous embolization of cavernous sinus dural arteriovenous fistulas using detachable coils and Glubran 2 acrylic glue via the inferior petrosal sinus approach
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Endovascular Treatments for Distal Posterior Cerebral Artery Aneurysms
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Surgery after embolization of cerebral arterio-venous malformation: experience of 123 cases
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Risks of presurgical embolization of feeding arteries in 137 intracranial meningeal tumors
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Combined Percutaneous and Endovascular Treatment of Symptomatic Aneurysmal Bone Cyst of the Spine: Clinical Six Months. Follow-up of Six Cases
Neuroradiol J. 2010 Mar;23(1):74-84


Embolizaciones arteriosas y venosas
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