GEM is sponsoring the hands on workshop “Glubran 2 in Interventional Radiology”.
These workshops are having a great success and a great enthusiasm of the participants.
In fact, beside theoretical information, our Italian KOL allows all participants to do a case by himself under their supervision.
Next workshop is on Monday, 9th April 2018 at Clinical Institute HUMANITAS (ROZZANO – MILAN) and Tuesday, 10th April 2018 at HUMANITAS MATER DOMINI HOSPITAL
Find underneath the terms of the organization:
– The max number of radiologists admitted to the workshop is 5 persons (so first comes first!!!)
It means that GEM can mix the surgeons of different distributors in case one distributor has only one or two surgeons interested and undersigned.
– In order to book the spot available, we are kindly asking you to guarantee the inscription with a deposit of Euro 200,00/person which will be given back at the end of the workshop.
General conditions of the workshop:
– The cost of travel, transfer, board and lodging is on distributor’s account while the workshop itself is on GEM’S account.
– 8th April official dinner offered by GEM
– Trip: the best is to arrive on 8th April 2018 to Malpensa Milan Airport and departure in late afternoon after the end of the session. See the attached program.
Looking forward to receive your booking, we remain at your disposal for any questions and we remind you that the soonest is the best!