Gynaecological surgery
Katsamagkas T., Mina T., Gavriilidou A., Lousiopoulos K., Valsamatzis N.
Hemostasis with Glubran 2 during treatment of the polycystic ovaries syndrome (P.O.S.)
Hemostasis with Glubran 2 during treatment of the polycystic ovaries syndrome (P.O.S.)
G. Bifulco, P. Giampaolino, I. Morra, G.A. Tommaselli, F. Tarsitano, G. Chiacchio, C. Nappi, C. Di Carlo
Synthetic cyanoacrylic glue in the prevention of post-operative lymphocele after pelvic lymphadenectomy in patients with uterine malignancies: A prospective, single-blind, preliminary study
Gynecol Oncol (2014)
Synthetic cyanoacrylic glue in the prevention of post-operative lymphocele after pelvic lymphadenectomy in patients with uterine malignancies: A prospective, single-blind, preliminary study
Gynecol Oncol (2014)