Exclusive online interventional radiology training
immaginieparole2024-02-28T17:45:49+01:00Dear partner, we have a great opportunity for you and your customer.
We have the opportunity to participate in the online interventional radiology training held by Prof. Romaric Loffroy. Thanks to the installation by Guerbet of a Tegus camera system in the Interventional Radiology […]
Interventional Radiology – Course
immaginieparole2022-07-06T14:59:56+02:00The next course on interventional radiology will be held in Dijon, France.
A great success for the first part of the webinar about Glubran2
immaginieparole2020-06-21T22:09:08+02:00A huge audience success for the first part of the webinar on Glubran 2 in Interventional Radiology. Did you lose it? don't worry you can see the webinar by the link below by registering to our website!
Guide to Glubran 2 Endoscopic Application
immaginieparole2019-04-07T17:30:33+02:00Is now available a specific guide for the correct use of Glubran 2 in Endoscopic Applications
Download now!
Please login/register to download the document
Experiences on the use of Glubran 2 in Oncological Surgery
immaginieparole2019-04-07T17:31:28+02:00During the recent Congress of the Società Italiana di Chirurgia Oncologica (SICO) (Italian Society of Surgical Oncology), the symposium held by GEM S.r.l. highlighted some interesting applications of Glubran 2. Based on a growing body of evidence Glubran 2 exhibits special properties enhanced by the spray application of the product, which go beyond those of a “haemostatic […]
Xmas Holidays 2016 – 2017
gem.admin2016-12-08T18:41:41+01:00Our offices will be closed for the Xmas holidays
from December 23rd to January 8th,2016.
We wish you a merry Xmas
and a great 2017